The Greek god of war was called Ares. The Romans renamed him Mars, which is where the name of the month of March comes from. Ares was considered the personification of the violent and untamed aspects of warfare, often depicted as a ruthless and bloodthirsty warrior. And, unlike most of the other gods in the Greek pantheon, he had few known centers of cult worship in the ancient world.
But Ares wasn’t all bad either. He was associated with fearlessness and brute strength. He was the son of Zeus and Hera, and often described as the lover of Aphrodite. In the tales of ancient Greek mythology, Ares travels with an abominable posse. Particularly his sister, Eris, whose name means discord, and her son, Strife, followed him everywhere. In other words, where war goes, discord and strife follow.
In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Ares, the Greek god of war.
Ares is one of the twelve Olympian Gods

Ares is one of the twelve Olympian gods in Greek mythology, which means that his dwelling place was on Mount Olympus. According to Homer, however, Hera and Zeus, his parents, detested him. That’s likely because he’s often portrayed as a violent and brutal god who enjoys the bloodshed and chaos of battle. In some myths, Ares is depicted as a coward who flees from battle when he is injured or outmatched. Despite his reputation, Ares was still respected and feared by the ancient Greeks, and even held up as he played his own unique role in their religious and cultural beliefs.
Ares is featured prominently in Homer’s Iliad

In Homer’s Iliad, where we first meet the Greek god of war, Ares plays an active role in the Trojan War, taking the side of the Trojans against the Greeks. And this is quite relevant to the story. Because Ares’s involvement in the war was seen as a significant factor in the outcome of many battles.
Throughout the Iliad, Ares is depicted as a passionate and impulsive god, who revels in the violence and chaos of battle. He is often seen leading the Trojan forces into battle, inspiring them to fight harder and with greater ferocity.
In Book 5 of the Iliad, Ares comes to the aid of the Trojans, and the Greek hero Diomedes wounds him with a spear. Ares cries out in pain and retreats to Mount Olympus, where he complains to his father Zeus about the unfairness of the battle.
Later in the epic, Ares returns to the battle, leading a charge against the Greek forces. He is eventually defeated by the goddess Athena, who intervenes on behalf of the Greeks and drives Ares away from the battlefield.
Overall, Ares’s role in the Iliad reflects his status as the god of war and violence, and his involvement in the conflict highlights the destructive power of warfare and the dangers of unchecked aggression.
The Greek god of war had few centers of cult worship

Ares was believed to have been born in Thrace, and some ancient Greek writers and poets referred to him as the patron deity of that region. However, despite his importance in Greek mythology, he did not have many centers of cult worship in the ancient Greek world. In fact, there were only a handful (at least that we know of). He was not as widely worshipped as some of the other Olympian gods, such as Zeus, Apollo, and Athena. Rather, he was more so feared and revered.
There were a few places in ancient Greece where Ares was worshipped, but these cults were not as prominent or influential as those of other gods. For example, the city of Sparta had a temple dedicated to Ares, where young Spartan warriors would offer sacrifices and pray for victory in battle. In Athens, Ares was sometimes worshipped as part of a group of deities associated with war and violence, but he was not as highly regarded as the city’s patron goddess Athena.
One reason for Ares’s lack of popularity may have been his association with the negative aspects of war, such as violence and bloodshed, rather than the heroic and noble aspects that were often associated with other gods. Additionally, Ares was sometimes portrayed as a cowardly and ineffectual warrior, which may have further diminished his standing in the eyes of the ancient Greeks.
Roman perspectives on the Greek god of war

It’s fair to say that the Romans liked the god of war, who they renamed Mars, more than the Greeks liked their Ares.
In Greek mythology, Ares is generally no more than a personification of war and all the terror that comes with it. When the person factors in to Greek myth, he’s often philandering, i.e. sleeping with Aphrodite, Hephaestus’s wife, or acting out in other cowardly ways.
To the contrary of the Greek perspective, Romans often associated Mars with the virtue of courage. He was often invoked by Roman soldiers before battle, and many Roman military units were named after him. In fact, he was so popular that the Romans even named a whole month after him.
Similar to Greek mythology, the Romans often portrayed Mars as a fierce and impulsive god who reveled in the chaos and violence of war. However, he was also seen as a strategic and disciplined commander who could lead his forces to victory through careful planning and cunning tactics.

Overall, the Romans held Mars in high regard as a powerful and important deity, and he played a significant role in many aspects of Roman society, including religion, politics, and military affairs.